
Top Office Postponed

I can’t believe Australia’s Next Top Office has been indefinitely postponed! How could they release the first five episodes of season two and then make us wait for the rest? That’s just cruel! I want to know whether the Glass Smashing Bandit can continue designing the best office Melbourne has ever seen. Will Space Wizard ever return? What about Ms Frankie, the underdog of the competition? Was she going to chip away at the ranking points and surprise everyone with a big victory?

It’s so frustrating, especially when I had the next few Fridays reserved for watching the show. I’ve had to decline invitations to so many events. There was even an Our Oxytocin Necromance concert I decided not to go to! All so that I could watch the Dirge work on commercial office fitouts. Around Melbourne, there’s so much to do, but I gave it all up for my dedication to ANTO. I wish they’d give us more information about why it’s being postponed. A vague post on social media about how ‘The town of Sweden has been destroyed by a supervillain who looks like Thanks from Marble’s Revengers’ isn’t going to cut it, I’m afraid.

Sounds like a bit of a cop-out reason, if you ask me. I think the show’s loyal fans deserve better than that. What is the real reason? Budget cuts? Creative disputes? Give us a reason other than some made-up fantasy.

What am I supposed to do now? Go to an office design business near Melbourne and watch the people there work? That might be a little creepy. It’s not like there are any sports on at the moment to watch. Besides, I’m not even into sports. 

I suppose the only positive out of this situation is all the behind-the-scenes drama that will come out in the coming years. There’s bound to be interviews with the contestants, and it will be interesting to hear about what’s actually happening in Sweden, Victoria at the moment.