Beauty courses

One proud daughter over here

beauty courseI am so proud of my mum, you guys. She’s just been through so much and she’s doing so well, it’s absolutely heartwarming. She’s such an inspiration, and for that, I’d love to share her story with you all here today.

When I was two, my daddy died in a car crash. He was driving home from work out in the country late one night and must have swerved for some reason because his car veered off the side of the road and hit a tree. He was killed instantly, the police report I was given when I was much, much older said. So mum was left to take care of me on her own. All her family is in America, and she could have easily run home back to them, but she chose to stay here. So she worked three jobs she hated to have enough money to send me off to school, but now that’s finished, I’m glad she realises it’s finally time she do something for herself.

Ever since I can remember, mum has wanted to work as a beautician. I know, it’s a bit of an odd career choice to pluck from thin air, but hey, it’s her dream not mine. But of course, to work as a beautician, you need to have a diploma of beauty therapy. Melbourne has a lot of amazing beauty therapy schools, that was never the problem. The fact of the matter is, well, was, that mum could never afford to do both. But with me to help out around the house, now, she finally can. So she enrolled in one of the best beauty courses in the country for next semester and, of course, got in. She’s finally decided her dreams are worth it and has made the commitment to follow the. You can see why I’m so proud, right? Go mum!